About Us

Firewood Scout was initially developed in 2012 by the Southeast Michigan Resource Conservation and Development Council. Through funding from the USDA Forest Service Wood Education and Resource Center, the site was created to help Michigan residents and visitors to buy and use firewood locally, in an effort to slow the spread of invasive forest pests.
In 2014, The Nature Conservancy's Don't Move Firewood campaign and the Tennessee Chapter's Forest Conservation program joined the partnership with a goal of expanding the Firewood Scout site nationally. Later, in 2019, Firewood Scout's management and operations were transferred to experts at the Sustainable Resources Institute, a non profit corporation specializing in natural resource research, education, training and certification. Today, Firewood Scout continues to add new partnering states and to spread the message of “Buy your firewood where you plan to burn it!”
Take a look at a list of our participating states. Interested in having your state join the list? Download our partner state overview guide today and contact us to learn more.